Okinawa Marine’s Memories




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84-year-old David Fusinato of Fresno, CA appears on episode #128 of Hometown Heroes, debuting August 21, 2010. David landed on Okinawa with the1st Marine Division on April 1, 1945. A loader on a tank crew, he was just 19 years old and had never experienced combat before. The 1st Tank Battalion would lose 28 tanks during the 82-day battle, and 163 more were damaged. During the course of battle, the wounding of another Marine caused David to be moved to a gunner position. David survived the battle physically unscathed.

David Fusinato at the Veterans Memorial Museum, home of the Legion of Valor.
David Fusinato at the Veterans Memorial Museum, home of the Legion of Valor.

For the last 5 years, David has volunteered as a docent at the Veterans Memorial Museum, Home of the Legion of Valor in downtown Fresno. Two days each week, he is on duty to add a personal touch to the history on display at the museum. The Veterans Memorial Museum is open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and admission is free. If you’ve never been there, I strongly encourage you to make a visit. There’s even a free library with books and videos on military history.

This edition of Hometown Heroes includes a short audio clip from a 1945 newsreel on the Okinawa landing. You can watch that entire newsreel below.

Paul Loeffler

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