Surgeon’s Satisfaction



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Episode #510 of Hometown Heroes, airing February 9-11, 2018, continues the conversation with 95-year-old Dr. Fitzalbert Marius of Fresno, CA. If you missed the first part of his interview, check out episode #509.

Bert Marius during his WWII service with the 725th Medical Sanitary Company. For more photos, visit the Hometown Heroes facebook page.

In this episode, Marius outlines his World War II service with the 725th Medical Sanitary Company, an all-black unit within the then-segregated U.S. Army. One of his first stops was New Caledonia, an archipelago that had been governed by France for nearly a century. Fluent in French, Marius was pressed into duty as a translator, which led to some unexpected exchanges with inhabitants there that you’ll hear the 95-year-old recall in comical fashion. Bert’s unit followed the 1st Marine Division around the Pacific Theater, responsible for spraying insects to guard against disease, as well as burying the dead after battle.

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2 responses to “Surgeon’s Satisfaction”
  1. Bobby Howard Avatar
    Bobby Howard

    Wow! I was completely moved by this Testimony! It challenged me. I always try to treat people the same no matter who they are or where they come from. But to hear Dr. Marius speak, i fall short. Way short. This man is a living legend! White, Black, Brown or whatever!! This Man is a Great American! I am so glad i stumbled onto this broadcast. I want to share some of what Dr Marius said with my co workers, and i hope it challenges them like it has me.

    B Howard
    Hanford CA

  2. Janice Bartmess Avatar
    Janice Bartmess

    Wonderful testimonial that he gave, and I heard on Home Town Heroes Radio, just now. Thank you, Dr Marius, for being who you are and giving your best, but still giving all the glory to God. Your humility and service are inspiring!
