#DDay75: Return to Normandy

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Episode #579 of Hometown Heroes, airing June 6-8, 2019, includes the Normandy story of one of 60 D-Day survivors who joined the heads of state of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States in marking the 75th anniversary of the invasion on June 6, 2019.
You’ll also hear parts of the speech given by President Donald Trump at the commemoration, and you can watch the complete remarks below in this video from ABC News:

One of the veterans President Trump mentioned by name in his speech was Russell Pickett, whose company suffered a 96% casualty rate during its first hour on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944. Pickett was one of 14 veterans who flew to Normandy with the Best Defense Foundation, a non-profit foundation started by former NFL linebacker Donnie Edwards.

Two of the others in that Best Defense Foundation contingent are veterans who have shared their stories on Hometown Heroes. Leila Morrison cared for some of Normandy’s wounded as an Army nurse, and related her experiences on episode #463 of Hometown Heroes in 2017.

Leila Morrison, Jerry Deitch, and 12 other veterans at the Les Braves Memorial in Normandy – photo from the Best Defense Foundation facebook page.

Jerry Deitch shared his World War II story on episode #568 of Hometown Heroes. Deitch was sitting right off of the President’s right shoulder during the anniversary speech, and you’ll hear some of Jerry’s D-Day memories from Utah Beach on this episode. Read about Jerry and other veterans in 75th anniversary coverage from the Associated Press.
Another well-documented commemoration came in the skies above the Normandy Peninsula, when 97-year-old paratrooper Tom Rice, who has also shared his story on Hometown Heroes, recreated his D-Day jump from 1944. Tom made headlines around the globe, and all the major television networks covered his inspired act. Watch the video below, from CBS News:

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