LISTEN to Augie Paolercio on Hometown Heroes – PART I —OR—LISTEN to PART II of Augie’s interview
93-year-old Augie Paolercio of Fresno, CA appears on episodes #334 and #335 of Hometown Heroes, debuting September 27 and October 4, 2014.
LISTEN to Augie Paolercio on Hometown Heroes – PART I —OR—LISTEN to PART II of Augie’s interview
93-year-old Augie Paolercio of Fresno, CA appears on episodes #334 and #335 of Hometown Heroes, debuting September 27 and October 4, 2014.
Just a quick note from my cell phone Paul. I wanted you to know hom much I was inspired by Augie during our short visit yesterday during the “Dream Flights” event. Darryl was astounded by his retention of flying skills and we were both humbled by his achievements. Thanks for helping it all happen!
Hopefully we can see that more Hometown Heroes can be properly honored next year!
1st Infantry Division 2nd Reconnaissance Squadron 12th Bomb Group 18th Infantry Regiment 40th Infantry Division 90th Infantry Division Albert Flores Bakersfield Baseball Hall of Fame Battle of the Bulge Bronze Star China Burma India Columbia D-Day Dick Lyon Dog Tag Don Westfahl Fort Pierce Fullerton Guadalcanal Guskhara Irving Mann Jackie Robinson Leyte Luzon malaria Minter Field Navy SEAL New Britain North Africa Oceanside Okeene Oklahoma Pasadena Philippines Roger Jamison Roger Maraist Scouts & Raiders Shafter Stockton Tunisia U.S. Army Visalia World War II Yale
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