Farmer, Innovator, WWII Vet



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101-year-old Jack Woolf of Fresno, CA appears on episode #564 of Hometown Heroes, airing February 21-24, 2019. A native of Arizona, Woolf served with the 204th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion during World War II.

Jack Woolf was drafted into the Army before the attack on Pearl Harbor. For more photos, visit the Hometown Heroes facebook page.

As the patriarch of Woolf Farming and its related business enterprises, Woolf has built a reputation as an innovator in the landscape of California agriculture, but that characteristic ingenuity was on display way back in his Army days, as you’ll hear on Hometown Heroes.

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One response to “Farmer, Innovator, WWII Vet”
  1. Larry Isheim Avatar
    Larry Isheim

    I am honored to know Mr Woolf since about 1980 and be a small part of his life and organization. He had an idea in 1989 that involved myself and others and together we established Cal West Rain. We are all so blessed by men such as Mr Woolf and women of the greatest generation that are responsible for our freedom.
