Winston Handwerker passed away September 4, 2011 at the age of 89. Click here to read his obituary.
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88-year-old Winston Handwerker of Fresno, CA appears on episode #126 of Hometown Heroes, debuting August 7, 2010. A native of Tennessee, Handwerker enlisted in the Army Air Corps and ended up flying 111 P-47 missions with the 310th squadron of the 58th Fighter Goup.
Listen to the program to hear why he named his P-47 “The Joyful Rebel.” Some of Winston’s best memories of his time with the 58th involve missions he flew with Ed Roddy, who appears on episode #17 of Hometown Heroes. Years later, the two would discover they lived just a few blocks apart in Fresno.
—Paul Loeffler
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