For Better or For Worse



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96-year-old Navy veteran Lewis Wagoner of Fresno, CA appears on episode #565 of Hometown Heroes, airing February 28 – March 3, 2019. A native of McFarland, CA, Lewis has entered his 80th year of marriage to Ruth, who helped him compile a lengthy list of sailing championships.

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2 responses to “For Better or For Worse”
  1. Karin Knorr Avatar
    Karin Knorr

    This was a beautiful story and wonderful interview! I am incredibly proud to be their granddaughter and have always had the utmost respect for these two. They have always been our heroes!

  2. Gary Osmondson Avatar
    Gary Osmondson

    I just saw this from last year. Lewis and Ruth inspired and helped so many people to begin sailing. Always ready to help a newbie and lend a hand where needed. The Wagoners have inspired me for half a century. I will always be indebted to them in so many ways.
