In The Ball Turret



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Episode #468 of Hometown Heroes, recorded in front of an audience of high school students who just finished studying World War II, airs April 21-23, 2017, and coincides with the 93rd birthday of U.S. Army Air Corps veteran Phillip Starr of Selma, CA.

Phillip Starr tells his story to history students at Fresno Christian High School. (photo courtesy

When Starr visited Fresno Christian School, he brought along memories and mementos from his 35 missions as a ball turret gunner with the 490th Bomb Group during World War II. Check out this article from the school’s award-winning online student newspaper, The Feather.

World War II veteran Phillip R. Starr interview from The Feather Online on Vimeo.

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2 responses to “In The Ball Turret”
  1. Shannon Avatar

    Such a GREAT man, Phillip Starr. Thank you for ALL of your dedication to your FAMILY and to protecting our NATION. RIP, don’t be “mad at your neighbors” ;). Such an amazing devotion.

  2. Shannon Guss Avatar
    Shannon Guss

    He was my grandfather and I had never heard this before.. I thought this was the perfect thing to listen to on Memorial Day weekend.
