Iwo Jima Survivor Still Farming



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Carl Berghofer of Embudo, NM appears on episode #681 of Hometown Heroes, airing May 15-20, 2021. Wounded while serving on Iwo Jima with the 3rd Marine Division, Berghofer remains active in farming his acreage along the Rio Grande as he approaches his 95th birthday on May 19th.

Carl Berghofer as he approaches his 95th birthday. For more photos, visit the Hometown Heroes Facebook page.

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12 responses to “Iwo Jima Survivor Still Farming”
  1. Monte Olsen Avatar
    Monte Olsen

    Dear Mr. Berghofer,

    I saw your interview on YouTube and am in awe of you and your fellow Marines who fought on the small hell.

    Thank you for your service seems so insufficient for what all of you endured during those four years of World War II and for you specifically on Iwo Jima.

    My experiences in the army pale in comparison to your own duty.

    I hope life is good for you and your family, and that our loving God will bestow upon you and your family good health and blessings.

    I agree with everything you said about our Constitution and the other advice you generously provided.

    Please take care of yourself and live a happy and prosperous life. I hope after your service you also found a good and satisfying life and peace.


    Monte Olsen
    Eugene, Or 97408

  2. William moore Avatar
    William moore

    Hello Carl,

    I can’t thank you and your brothers in the Corp enough for the things you had to endure on iwo. I was born in 1980 and have not served but I am able to do what I do because of people like you. I saw your YouTube video as well and really liked what you had to say about being a brave man or a coward. You sir are a brave man and you do deserve to be called a sir. I have watched countless hours about WWII in Europe and the Pacific theatres. I have always had so much interest about that particular war. I believe that we were in a fight with true evil and can’t imagine the predicament we would be in if we didn’t have our armed forces win the war for people like me. I just thank god that you did! I hope you have had and continue to have a great life! I try to reach out to everyone I can possibly contact that served in WWII just to say thank you for your service and I for one will never forget our history. God bless.

  3. Don Beckwith Avatar
    Don Beckwith

    Dear Mr. Berghofer,

    I thank you for your service to this country. My kids, grand-kids know so little about World War II; it’s time that they listen to your webcast!
    Thank you again, and may God bless you.

    Don Beckwith

    1. Ken Avatar

      God bless you, Mr. Berghofer. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.

      1. Frank Sabia Avatar
        Frank Sabia

        Dear Mr. Berghofer,
        I am so happy you are still here and that you gave the interview about your experiences. People like you are some of the best people there are.
        My father is the same age as you and was in the Navy close to Japan at the end of the war.

        Thank you.

        Frank Freeman Sabia

  4. Ian Lamont Avatar
    Ian Lamont

    Dear Mr Berghofer

    Thank you for talking about your experiences and your advice to future generations. Your comments on democracy and education apply to Canadians as well and I hope lots of people learn something from your videos.


  5. Stanley Binder Avatar
    Stanley Binder

    Dear Mr Berghofer,

    Thank you for talking about your time on Ewo Jima. You mentioned “Binder”. I believe you were talking about my Uncle William Binder. He was killed on Ewo Jima, 12 March 1945.
    I was just under age 2 when he was killed . I have his Purple Heart and the flag given to the family. My son’s middle name is William.
    May GOD Bless you and thank you for your service to our GREAT country.

    Stanley Binder

    1. Lorraine Avatar

      Hello Stanley,
      I am replying on behalf of Carl.
      I think the Binder he speaks of is William. I believe?. Was he from NY city?

      On behalf of Berghofer. Well Carl says, we all called each other by last name.
      There was another interview with Carl that speaks
      further regarding Binder.
      Binder was his buddy & it hurt him so bad to lose Binder standing beside him.
      This second interview speaks more into depth of Binder.
      May be of interest, or not?
      I was not so impressed with this 2nd interviewer, but Carl does speak in further detail of the men he served with.

      This was a hard interview for Carl.

      Wow, I can’t even imagine that walk they all went through,
      well not all came through on that horrible walk.
      I am very sorry for your family loss & all that lost loved ones.
      Binder sounds like he was a tough guy, ya know? With the pack of cigs
      rolled up in his t-shirt sleeve.
      ? who knows?
      Bless him for his service & courage. I wish there were many more stories from survivors.
      War is so harsh.
      Blessings from Lorraine

  6. Sean Avatar

    Thank you sir for the interview. It was the best I have seen. As stated above, my service in iraq as an infantry marine pales in contrast. God bless you and yours! May god help this coming generation of kids

    1. Brian Potvin Avatar
      Brian Potvin

      Thank you mr. Berghofer there are many Americans who appreciate what you and all the others who served with you sacrificed the ones who made it home and the ones who did not I want to thank you for my freedom God Bless America

  7. Terry Conger Avatar

    I just watched the YouTube video of your IwoJima story and your advice to young people. Absolutely awesome.
    We thank you more than you will ever know.

  8. Vin Avatar

    Thank you Sir!
