On the weekend of August 2, 2014, we’ll announce the winner of a family 4-pack of tickets for admission to the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park. If you have read Laura Hillenbrand’s bestseller Unbroken, or Louis Zamperini’s Devil at My Heels, or simply heard Zamperini in an interview like episode #323 of Hometown Heroes, surely his remarkable story has made an impression on you.
Zamperini passed away July 2nd at the age of 97, and we’re honoring his legacy by asking you to explain the impact his powerful story has had on your life.
Here’s how you can enter the contest:
Post your thoughts on the Hometown Heroes facebook page
Add them to the comments section here on Hometownheroesradio.com
Send them via e-mail to paul@hometownheroesradio.com
The deadline for submitting an entry is July 31, 2014. Paul Loeffler will read the winning entry on the radio on Hometown Heroes the weekend of August 2, 2014. Thanks to Universal Studios Hollywood for providing the theme park tickets. Get ready to watch UNBROKEN on the big screen this holiday season. Here’s the trailer to whet your appetite.
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